Esophago-Gastro-Duodenos (EGD)
Esophago-Gastro-Duodenos (EGD)

This examination involves passing a flexible lighted instrument through the mouth, down through the esophagus (swallowing tube), and into the stomach and duodenum (first part of the small intestine) in order to obtain direct visualization.

What is a Colonoscopy?
What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that examines the large bowel (colon). The colonoscope (koh-LON-oh-skope) is the device used to perform a colonoscopy. This device consists of a long, firm but flexible plastic tube with a tiny video camera and light at one end.

What is an ERCP?
What is an ERCP?

Endoscopic-Retrograde-Cholangio-Pancreatography or ERCP, is a test used to examine the ducts of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. These ducts are a system of drainage tubes called the biliary system that allow fluids to flow from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas into the intestines for digestion.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
An EGD may be necessary if you have a long history of heartburn, difficulty swallowing or if you have vomited blood. A colonoscopy (or some form of colon cancer screening) is recommended for everyone over the age of 50. A colonoscopy may also be necessary if you have unexplained anemia, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, or blood in the stools.
An EGD requires that you are fasting (without food) for 6 hours. A colonoscopy requires that you are on a liquid diet the day before and drink a solution to cleanse your colon.
No. During the procedure you will be sedated. In most cases you may not even remember having a procedure.
Yes. We do advise that someone drives you home after the procedure because you may be drowsy. Later on that day you should be fine.
An upper endoscopy (EGD) usually takes about 15 minutes. A colonoscopy takes about 30-45 minutes. You will only need to be off on the day of the procedure. You should be able to return to work the following day.
Yes, by all means. We do recommend eating something light and hot because you may have some gas and bloating after the procedure.
In most cases your insurance will cover the procedure. Depending on your plan you may be required to make co-pay, to meet your deductible, or both.
The possibility of having a complication during either procedure is less than 1%. However pain, bleeding and perforation (making a hole in the colon) are listed as potential complications.